Athletics Squads are regular sessions held by the coaches. The advantages of training with a squad is the added competition and social aspect to the training which can help push forward your results.

All Athletics Squads are run on a monthly subscription basis and are subject to an application. All monthly subscription plans are subject to our terms and conditions

Current monthly prices are:

u16s = £46

Students = £64

Adults = £79

To see which squads we currently have running, please see below.




Lee Valley Athletics Centre

Mondays, Thursdays 6:30pm - 8:30pm  Saturdays 9am - 11am




Lee Valley Athletics Centre

Mondays, Thursdays 6:30pm - 8:30pm  Saturdays 9am - 11am




Lee Valley Athletics Centre

Mondays, Wednesdays 5pm - 6:30pm


“When Maia started hurdling with Tony and Gianni she gained so much confidence in her approach and visibly improved her technique within just a few months.

She absolutely loves training with the squad at 110BYL and comes away saying she’s had so much fun as well as working hard.

They give helpful and constructive advice as well as being incredibly kind, inspiring and generous with their time. We’re looking forward to seeing Maia develop as an athlete, under the guidance of the team at 110BYL. Thank you both.”

Sally Fisher

Mother of Maia, British Athlete

“After having a few 1:1 sessions, I joined the Athletics Squad and since training with 110BYL, not only do I feel I have progressed in all technical aspects due to their extensive knowledge, but also in my psychological preparation ready for races.

Despite the commute to training from Cambridgeshire, the warm atmosphere and drive from within the group makes the commitment worth it.”

Joe Purbrick

British Hurdler

“Isabelle started training with Tony and Gianni in the summer and we have found their enthusiasm, technical knowhow and great humour is unrivalled.

Isabelle has improved immensely, not just in her speed and technique but more importantly her confidence. She has learnt to smile when things are going well but also to laugh when they are not and that is a testimony to Tony and Gianni’s coaching.

Isabelle always looks forwards to hurdle training and loves training with the wonderful group of talented young athletes at 110BYL.”

Scott Kyson

Father of Isabelle, British Athlete

“Sienna had lost a lot of confidence since breaking her arm but after joining the 110BYL Squad, they have been fantastic in re-building and improving her as an athlete.

Her technique has improved massively due to the excellent coaching from Tony and Gianni. Her dream is to follow in their footsteps and compete for GB one day. We can’t thank them enough for all their hard work and dedication.”

Justine Kidd

Mother of Sienna, British Athlete

“Training with Tony and Gianni at 110% Beyond Your Limits has helped Patricia to become a better athlete physically and mentally . The coaches are personable, approachable and their knowledge and attention to details are amazing.

Every session is well thought out and coaches always push you to do better and making you constantly engaged in every session by giving you feedback on your technique. The visual difference in Patricia is huge.

Best part for me as a parent is seeing her grow in confidence by having the support both as an athlete and as a person. Patricia always looks forward to training as there is a nice atmosphere within the squad. Training with other athletes had a positive impact on Patricia and it’s a great place to support and challenge one another.”

Justyna Grudz

Mother of Patricia, British Athlete

“A big thank you to 110BYL for the work you have done with my daughter. Not only on improving her hurdling technique, but also on significantly improving her sprint speed.

Tony and Gianni are truly passionate coaches and strive to get the best out of the athletes they train. There is a good rapport within the Youth squad which has been nurtured by them.

My daughter really looks forward to her training sessions knowing that they will be challenging but also fun and that the training will be provided in a positive and collaborative environment, whilst at the same time pushing her to achieve her best.”

Nicole Wright

Mother of Rebecca, British Athlete

“In only a couple of months, the progession was incredible. Tony and Gianni will find exactly where your strengths and weaknesses are and push you to that next level.

Coming from another sport with no experience in athletics, I was apprehensive about joining a squad of top athletes. That went away after my first session; they immediately made me feel like I was part of the team.

Everyone get’s on super well with the coaches and each other. The sessions are challenging but not intimidating and I always leave with a morale boost.”

Max Ward

Australian Parkour International

“I just wanted to say how pleased myself and Ben are with the his hurdling and all round fitness improvement since joining 110BYL. He loves the training and enjoys the fun atmosphere the Coaches provide.

As well as in Athletics, the improvement in his football I have seen since training with 110byl is really noticeable. Big thanks Tony and Gianni”

Gary Lane

Father of Ben, British Footballer/Athlete

“I have nothing but good things to say about 110% beyond your limits.

My daughter started September/October 2020 and was very apprehensive. Tony, Gianni and the other members of the Youth Squad have made her feel so welcome. I am very impressed with standard of coaching, it is just the right mixture of work and play and already my daughter’s technique has improved.
The fact that you can choose how many sessions a week you can attend is great and I find it value for money. 110% Beyond Your Limits has my 110% buy in”

Elisabeth Gobran

Mother of Lexie, British Athlete

“Prior to training with Tony, I was a collegiate hurdler in the U.S and struggled to improve my hurdle time for several years. In one short season, I shaved 0.3 of a second off of my indoor time and PB’d both indoor and outdoor.

Tony is an “Athlete’s Coach”. He is knowledgeable, provides constructive feedback, has high profile competition experience, listens and communicates well with his athletes, and is an overall great person.

I found the training group very competitive, yet supportive and cohesive. The group genuinely wanted everyone to succeed and I think that made living and competing in a new country easier.

I am so appreciative of Tony, my training group, and this experience. I will never forget it.”

Sydney Griffin

American Hurdler

“Working with two great coaches who are aware of your feelings and are very understanding, they are 110% committed to improving you and making sure that you get the best out of yourself.

The improvements I have achieved are phenomenal and I can’t wait to start racing again. The members of the group are warm and friendly, at times it feels like I am with family.”

William Adeyeye

British Hurdler

“Considering I’ve only been here for a few months I can already see a massive improvement in my training! Tony and Gianni are so enthusiastic when coaching and they have given me so much confidence.”

Wren Mclean-Jackson

British Middle-Distance Runner